Another Fingerett

Anything I feel, think, see, hear, ... stories, pictures, ... and pretty much anything else I feel like putting up ... ***So these are fingers? I don't think I have ever seen them 'fing'... how do you know when they are 'finging' ...***

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Location: United States

I have been told that I'm a "character" ... not sure if that is a good thing or not ... anything else you want to know- I guess you'll just have to check out my blog and find out for yourself...

Monday, April 03, 2006


Okay... I don't like spiders. They make my skin crawl. But on my way up the chair to crush this little bugger, I noticed those two sets of legs behind it.

You can see them better in this one (above). They were just legs connected [to a small bit of... spider skin?] in the middle. Do spiders shed their legs? Or did this guy eat two other spiders and didn't think there was enough to eat in the legs? I know... its kinda gross, but I'm curious :\

There he is hovering above- er... under the cealing.


By the way, I didn't crush it. Its still there... I kept getting the chills after I took these pictures. I hope its not going to bite anyone :\

Oh, and I didn't mean to post twice in one day... but I had to share the spider. So don't for get to check out my post from this morning :)

~K Fingerett~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cockroaches. what about cockroaches. I can tolerate spiders, it's the roaches I find creepy and disgusting.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 4:49:00 AM  
Blogger "K" Fingerett said...

To Navin:
Yes, they are pretty nasty. That reminds me... I'm going to post something about these roaches you speak of... Stay tuned!

To Dustin:
Yay! I've been linked-thanks :D

Alright here is how to get your comments to show up in a different window:

1) Get into the 'settings' section
2) Click the 'comments' tab
3) Scroll down and pass about five options 'till you see 'show comments in pop up window'
4) Click the button next to "Yes"
5) Save your settings!

Thanks for your comments!

~K Fingerett

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:01:00 AM  
Blogger bronxbt said...

K -
Yesh, there are thousands of spiders that molt/shed their skin upwards of a dozen times per season. it depends on if they have a more 'solid' type of carapace, or a softer "skin-like" covering.

so, YOU found yourself it's old weathered suit!

Can you say EWWWWWWWWWW!?

(funny also how someone else wuz asking about independent pop-up comment screens... you really should look into a techsupport gig, luv!)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 1:07:00 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Gaah! Spiders just creep me out. So do other things that creep around the house and look at you from hidden places. Having more than four eyes doesn't help with the cute factor either.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:13:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

creepy! very well shot

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:26:00 PM  
Blogger DiaKL said...

Interesting :) I prefer spiders to roaches, I never kill one if I find on my home (because it may eat roaches hihi:D).
Nice spider photos, this is the kind of spiders I may find on my home too, they dont look so menacing, do they? :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:44:00 AM  

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