Another Fingerett

Anything I feel, think, see, hear, ... stories, pictures, ... and pretty much anything else I feel like putting up ... ***So these are fingers? I don't think I have ever seen them 'fing'... how do you know when they are 'finging' ...***

My Photo
Location: United States

I have been told that I'm a "character" ... not sure if that is a good thing or not ... anything else you want to know- I guess you'll just have to check out my blog and find out for yourself...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Three Months Later...

Wow. It feels like it has been forever and a day since I've been on here. How is everyone doing?

I hope I didn't worry anyone... I'm just fine and Nena has been keeping me busy... but the nursing program is kicking my butt so I've been working pretty hard to keep up. For those of you who don't know, I'm busting my butt to be a nurse for little kiddies and babies like the one above. I found her with her grandmother at a park around here. She has such BEAUTIFUL eyes and I just had to share ^_^

I don't really have the time to go to everyones pages at the moment but I'll do my best.

I hope all is, has and will be well with you all ^_^

And [since I probably wont be back here in time...] have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

~K Fingerett~