Another Fingerett

Anything I feel, think, see, hear, ... stories, pictures, ... and pretty much anything else I feel like putting up ... ***So these are fingers? I don't think I have ever seen them 'fing'... how do you know when they are 'finging' ...***

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Location: United States

I have been told that I'm a "character" ... not sure if that is a good thing or not ... anything else you want to know- I guess you'll just have to check out my blog and find out for yourself...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


~K Fingerett~


Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Those are beautiful!! Always so good to hear from you. School is kicking my ass too and I love it!! You on facebook yet?? xo

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:51:00 AM  
Blogger DiaKL said...

Hello!!!!!!! ;) :)
So nice to hear from you!! :) And I checked your blog, wow, so many nice photos!!

How is it going??!!
I've been traveling again, have started some travel writing and is going quite good, so I will try to continue with that... taking photos while traveling and learning about the people, the stories and the culture was something I always loved!! :)

Now I have been working for some weeks in a wine grower here in lower Austria, hard work (I would never imagine that making wine needs SUCH a hard work) but very interesting and endless excellent wine hihi ;) But will hit the road again next week... :)

Thiking to travel a bit in the Balkans, pay a visit to Istanbul and then go see my family in Athens. And then we shall see... winter is coming for Europe so its time to leave this continent again :)

Was thinking, do you use facebook or something? I keep in touch with some other people also I made friends through blogging with facebook, and I post there ALL my travel photos and videos!! I you use it add me with my email:
(just replace the AT with @).

I will try to start blogging again!! It was just with all the traveling and then the writing I didnt have so much time for blogging... but I love blogs!! Will start again hihi ;)

Peace and bliss from the Austrian winelands :)
Dia :)

Sunday, October 04, 2009 8:36:00 AM  

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