Another Fingerett

Anything I feel, think, see, hear, ... stories, pictures, ... and pretty much anything else I feel like putting up ... ***So these are fingers? I don't think I have ever seen them 'fing'... how do you know when they are 'finging' ...***

My Photo
Location: United States

I have been told that I'm a "character" ... not sure if that is a good thing or not ... anything else you want to know- I guess you'll just have to check out my blog and find out for yourself...

Monday, October 30, 2006


...I've been trying to load my pictures for a new post for about twenty minutes now- and my computer or blogger is being crummy :(

A post is on its way...

Hopefully by the end of today...

If not, then I'll try another day- oh and - Glitter Graphics, Glitter Love, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes, Glitter Words

*** isn't that just cute? ***

~K Fingerett~


Blogger Annie said...

Yes, that is just cute. The sparkles are really neat.

Monday, October 30, 2006 5:21:00 PM  

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